
Friday, May 7, 2010

Game Concept and Design Document Template

The Game Concept and Design Document Template is a culmination (Rollings & Morris 1999 2003)(Fullerton et al. 2004)(Ryan 1999)(Gordon 2000)(Sloper 1997)(Walstra 2003)(Taylor 1999)(Sikora 2001)(Freeman 1997) of research in an effort to generate a thorough template to be used by the game designer during game development. This template incorporates documentation for concepts, design and tech specs. In addition there is a philosophy behind the formulation of the template:
  1. Each template targets different readers involved with game development (e.g. clients, management, programmers, audio designers and artists)
  2. The design template is meant as a designers note book rather than a design bible.
  3. The design template is organized to capture the perspectives of the player.

DOWNLOAD HERE (version 1.5)